
Keystone Correctional Services, Inc. is a "Work Release" Community Corrections Program that focuses on employment and self esteem building for offenders pending release to their communities. Our reentrants are assigned to our program by the Department of Corrections, and the PA Board of Probation and Parole. All reentrants have fulfilled their court ordered sentence of incarceration and have been approved by the Parole Board to be released to our facility. In order for this to happen, the reentrant has to prove to the Board of Parole that they have met all the goals set forth to them while incarcerated, and have been through the victim advocacy program, as well as determined to be a minimal risk to the community before being assigned to KCSI or any other Contract facility. KCSI is a state-of-the-art, secure facility. Reentrants must have an approved schedule to leave the property. All outside activities must be pre-approved by a case manager with final approval by the facility director.

KCSI has a full time Employment Specialist who assists reentrants of our facility secure positive employment opportunities. Our goal is to help every reentrant secure employment while they are here with hopes that they will learn responsibilities, job skills and build self esteem through earning their own way. In some cases, these jobs serve as continued employment for the reentrants when they are released. Each reentrant is assigned a case manager and a State Parole agent during their stay who are both focused on helping the reentrant work through their individual plans to successfully reenter into the community.

KCSI is the door to the future for the men who pass through our facility from incarceration back to their homes. We strive to make it a purposeful stay with us here at KCSI.

Terry L. Davis, Preentrant/CEO